Personal Development

Simplicity for a clutter free mind

Have you ever tried looking for a missing item on your messy table? Or dumped something in the store room or garage and can’t find the item when you need it? Is it easier to search for something in a neatly organised area or a cluttered area?

In life, we need to eliminate the clutter, and make things easier for ourselves before we are able to find what we truly want in life. As Einstein once said, “Out of clutter, find simplicity; from discord, find harmony; in the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.”
Sometimes we tend to overthink things and make life more complicated than it is. We attach our happiness to achievement and then look for it in all the wrong ways and in all the wrong places. Of course, you don’t have to live like this. If you feel like you are, it’s time to simplify things.
Simplifying is not about impoverishing your life – that’s poverty – but how efficiently you can put first things first, and use your time accordingly to pursue the things that make a difference and mean the most to you. Less truly is more. Remember, you should simplify your life to enrich your life, not live a life of poverty.
Instead of adding, improve your life by subtracting. Get rid of unnecessary clutter, negative influences and toxic relationships. There’s a big difference between what you want and what you need.
Once you have managed to eliminate the clutter in your life, you will find that you will be more laser-focused on your goals and ultimately, you will be able to find what has always been missing in your life.
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