A Blank Question Paper
“A professor entered a classroom and asked his students to prepare for an unannounced test. Like most people would, the students started to worry and become noticeably anxious. The professor distributed the question paper with the printed side facing down. After distributing the papers, he asked his students to commence with the test. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a single black dot in the middle of the page.
The professor saw his student’s expressions and told them to write what they had seen. The students got started. At the end of the test, the professor took all the answer scripts and began reading each one of them aloud in front of the class. All of them described the black dot, and explained its position in the center of the page.
After the professor was done reading the answers, the classroom was dead silent. To his students’ surprise, the professor said that he was not going to grade them for this test. In fact, all the professor wanted was for his students to reflect. He had given them a piece of white paper with a black dot but no one had written about the white part of the paper. Everyone just focused on the dark spots. He added, “Our life is a gift given to us by God. We have many reasons to celebrate, our friends, our jobs, our lives, the miracles we experience every day. However, we tend to focus only on the dark spots in our life – the health issues, the lack of money, complicated relationships with other people, etc. The dark spots are minute compared to everything that we possess in our lives. But, it is the dark spots that actually pollute our minds. Take your eyes away from the dark spots in your life. Enjoy each one of your blessings. Be happy and life a positive life!”
Just like I had mentioned at the start of this mail, if we had only focused on Christ’s death, then his death will be for nothing. Instead, we should focus on the meaning and the positive aspects behind his death, and rejoice in the fact that Christ died on the Cross to save people.
What can we learn from this? There will always be ups and downs in life. Good and bad, positive and negative. But we must always remain optimistic and remain focused on the positives for a healthy and happy life. Life still will go on anyway, and we should not waste our time thinking about the negatives!
Type AMEN! I WILL FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE ASPECTS IN MY LIFE! in the Comments Section BELOW to receive Christ’s forgiveness and blessings as well to start seeing how your life changes! Let me know your thoughts on the story too!
To Your Success,
Shawn Tham
Founder & Chief Motivation Officer
Photo Credits: Easter-Sunday-2014.com